Summary: Simplified Meaning And Requirements

Summary is a brief or concise account of the main points without losing its original content. It is an advanced form of comprehension. It is stating in few words what has been said in many words.

It means that the passage to be summarized is well understood, yet retain the essential ideas being discussed.

Requirement of a good Summary.

1. Brevity:- If you give an account in a summary of an event, then it must be brief and retains its original meaning.
2. Relevance:- The summary must reflect the original idea as accurately as possible.
3. Satisfactory coverage:- Your summary must not exclude the essential points.
4. Clarity:- Your summary must be clear. It must present exactly what the author means to say in a very clear language.

In inclusion, summary is simply reducing the meaning of an original account or document to a brief point without destroying or losing the main idea of the passage. It requires concise, relevance, satisfactory coverage and clarity of language.

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