Common Mistakes In English Language In WAEC/NECO And Relevant Examinations

There are several mistakes in our daily written and spoken English Language. These mistakes are pardonable or acceptable under normal or literally spoken language. But talking English proper, there are lots of grammatical errors inherent in them.
This is one of the reasons why many fail their English Language and attribute it to victimization. No reasonable human being takes delight in failing others especially when you have done the correct thing.
English Language is very wide and you need to read hungrily to be able to know certain grammatical structures that hitherto were considered correct but in actual fact, not correct.
Below are some of the common mistakes in English in our daily spoken and written in examinations like WAEC/NECO, JAMB, POST UTME and other relevant local and international examinations.
1. Don’t say I will try my possible best. Say I will try my best or I will do my utmost or put in my best.
2. Don’t say is a high time I leave or is a high time you stop this nonsense. Say is a high time I left or is a high time you stopped this nonsense. Is a high time the problem is solved. It must be said in the past tense.
3. Don’t say I believe on you. Say I believe in you.
4. Don’t say directors generals. Say directors general.
5. Don’t say conclusively, say in conclusion or finally.
6. Don’t say that will do you well. Say it that will serve you right.
7. Don’t say he was on a table, say he was at a table dinning with the king.
8. Don’t say the crowed were much, say the crowed was much. The crowed is an entity which must take a singular verb.
9. Don’t say the family have come, say the family has come. Or alternatively, the two families have come. Both usage or the two sentences must take a singular and plural verbs respectively.
10. Don’t say we ate to our full at the party. Say we ate to our satisfaction at the party.
11. Don’t say I am Mr. Sam Ude. Simply say I am Sam Ude.
12. Don’t say we are doing this on your interest. Say we are doing this in your interest.
13. Don’t say we have finished it. Say we are done or we are through.
14. Don’t say have patients. Say have patience.
15. Don’t say you have dirtified my shirt. Say you have dirty my shirt.
16. Don’t say it was a slip of the tongue. Say it was a slip of the lip.
17. Don’t say I will fight with him. Say I will fight him.
18. Don’t say he read minute of the meeting. Say he read minutes of the meeting.
19. Don’t say the association were ready. Say the association was ready. Association is an entity that should take a singular verb.
20. Don’t say I can be able to do it. Say I can do it or I am able to do it. Can be able is a tautology.
21. Don’t say where are you going to? Say where are you going?
22. Don’t say the meeting were rowdy. Say the meeting was rowdy.
23. Don’t say one of the members were arrested. Say one of the members was arrested.
24. Don’t say he is one of the richest man in town. Say he is one of the richest men in town.
25. Don’t say is between you and I. Say is between you and me.
26. Don’t say the news was broadcasted yesterday. Say the news was broadcast yesterday.
27. Don’t say a 3 days programme were held. Say a 3 day programme was held.
28. Don’t say a 5 men committee were set up. Say a 5 man committee was set up.
29. Don’t say all but one were affected. Say all but one was affected.
30. Don’t say the apparent hair to the thrown. Say the ‘hair apparent’ to the throne.
31. Don’t say the committee were made up of 10. Say the committee was made up of 10.
32. Don’t say one of the decisions reached are removal of subsidy. Say one of the decisions reached is the removal of subsidy.
33. Don’t say we are glad you do. Say we are glad you did. Or we are glad you came.
34. Don’t say the man was violence. Say the man was violent.
35. Don’t say he memorized it. Say he learnt it by heart.
36. Don’t say John learnt it off head. Say John learnt it of hand. (to be off head is to be mad).
37. Don’t say the house was filled with water. Say the house was full of water.
38. Don’t say the bucket was full of water. Say the bucket was filled with water.
39. Don’t say he did not even come talkless of doing the work. Say he did not even come let alone doing the work.
40. Don’t say I am interested on you or on the case. Say I am interested in you or I am interested in the case.
41. Don’t say the whole town were thrown in jubilation. Say the whole town was thrown into jubilation.
42. Don’t say please don’t fall my hand. Say please, don’t let me down.
43. Don’t say I prefer this biro than that one. Say I prefer this biro to that one.
44. Don’t say the news about her coming have been announced. Say the news about her coming has been announced.
45. Don’t say the man was robbed with his belongings. Say the man was robbed of his belongings.
46. Don’t say the Priest was stripped with his robe. Say the Priest was stripped of his robe.
47. Don’t say the National Assembly are divided on the issue. Say the National Assembly is divided on the issue.
48. Don’t say I have trust on you. Say I have trust in you.
49. Don’t say my believe is that he will come. Say my belief is that he will come.
50. Don’t say or write an application for employment. Say or write application for employment.
In summary, some of the above highlighted words may sound funny to you out there but they are some of the several mistakes some make in their daily written and spoken English Language. We strongly hope these corrections are noted henceforth.

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