The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN): Origin, Functions, Contributions To National Development And Overview

This article takes a look at the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN), a professional organization that was established to promote and regulate the taxation profession in Nigeria. Members of Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria cut across professions such as Accounting and Law, as well as other professionals. We trace origin of the institute, its key functions, contributions to national development and overview.

Here is a brief history of CITN:

The institute was established by the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria Act No. 76 of 1992. The act granted CITN the authority to control the training and practice of taxation in Nigeria.

CITN was created with the primary objective of advancing the study and practice of taxation. It is tasked with ensuring that taxation professionals in Nigeria adhere to high ethical standards and possess the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the field of taxation.

Professional Certification:

One of CITN’s key functions is to provide a professional qualification for individuals seeking to become certified tax practitioners in Nigeria. The institute conducts examinations and training programs to ensure that its members are well-equipped to handle the complexities of taxation.


CITN offers different categories of membership, including Associate, Fellow, and Honorary Fellow, based on the qualifications and experience of individuals in the field of taxation. Membership signifies a commitment to the highest standards of professionalism in taxation.

Training and Development:

CITN is involved in organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences to promote continuous professional development among its members. This ensures that tax professionals stay updated on the latest developments in taxation laws and practices.

Regulatory Role:

As a regulatory body, CITN has the responsibility to regulate the professional conduct of its members. This includes setting and maintaining ethical standards, which members are expected to uphold in their practice.


CITN collaborates with government agencies, educational institutions, and other professional bodies to enhance the understanding and implementation of taxation policies in Nigeria. This collaborative approach helps in shaping effective tax administration in the country.

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The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria plays a crucial role in the development and regulation of the taxation profession in Nigeria, contributing to the effective and efficient administration of taxation in the country.

Key Functions of CITN

The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) performs various functions to fulfill its mandate of promoting and regulating the taxation profession in Nigeria.

Here are some of the key functions of CITN:

  1. Professional Certification: CITN is responsible for providing professional qualifications to individuals interested in becoming certified tax practitioners. The institute conducts examinations and sets standards for the certification of tax professionals in Nigeria.
  2. Education and Training: CITN organizes and facilitates educational programs, seminars, workshops, and conferences to enhance the knowledge and skills of its members. This helps ensure that tax professionals stay updated on the latest developments in tax laws, policies, and practices.
  3. Regulation of the Profession: CITN regulates the professional conduct of its members, setting ethical standards and guidelines to ensure that tax practitioners adhere to the highest levels of professionalism and integrity in their work.
  4. Continuous Professional Development (CPD): The institute promotes continuous professional development among its members by offering opportunities for ongoing learning and skill enhancement. CPD activities help members stay abreast of changes in tax laws and best practices.
  5. Collaboration with Government Agencies: CITN collaborates with government agencies involved in taxation and revenue generation to contribute to the formulation of tax policies and legislation. This collaboration helps ensure a coordinated approach to tax administration in Nigeria.
  6. Advocacy: CITN advocates for the interests of tax professionals and promotes the importance of taxation in national development. The institute plays a role in influencing policies and decisions related to taxation through engagement with relevant stakeholders.
  7. Research and Publications: CITN engages in research activities related to taxation and publishes materials that contribute to the body of knowledge in the field. This helps disseminate information and insights to tax professionals, policymakers, and the public.
  8. Membership Services: CITN provides various services to its members, including networking opportunities, access to resources, and a platform for professional collaboration. The institute fosters a sense of community among tax professionals.
  9. International Collaboration: CITN may engage in collaborations with international tax organizations and bodies to stay connected with global best practices and ensure that its members are exposed to international standards in taxation.
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Contributions of CITN To National Development

The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) has made significant contributions to national development through its efforts to enhance the taxation profession, influence policy decisions, and promote ethical practices in the field.

Some of the key contributions of CITN to national development include:

  1. Professional Development: CITN plays a crucial role in the professional development of tax practitioners. By providing certification, organizing training programs, and promoting continuous professional development, CITN ensures that tax professionals in Nigeria are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute effectively to the country’s tax system.
  2. Capacity Building: Through seminars, workshops, conferences, and other educational initiatives, CITN contributes to the capacity building of tax professionals and other stakeholders. This helps in building a pool of skilled individuals capable of handling the complexities of taxation and contributes to the overall competence of the workforce in the tax sector.
  3. Ethical Standards: CITN sets and upholds high ethical standards for its members. By promoting integrity, professionalism, and adherence to ethical guidelines, the institute contributes to the establishment of a trustworthy and reliable taxation profession. This, in turn, fosters public confidence in the tax system.
  4. Policy Advocacy: CITN actively engages in advocacy efforts to influence tax policies and legislation. By collaborating with government agencies and participating in policy discussions, the institute contributes to the formulation of tax policies that are effective, fair, and supportive of national development goals.
  5. Revenue Generation: As a professional body focused on taxation, CITN indirectly contributes to the generation of revenue for the government. By ensuring that tax professionals are well-trained and knowledgeable, the institute supports the efficient collection of taxes, which is a crucial source of government revenue for funding development projects and public services.
  6. International Collaboration: CITN’s engagement with international tax organizations allows for the exchange of ideas, best practices, and global standards in taxation. This international collaboration helps align Nigeria’s tax practices with global norms, making the country more attractive to international investors and facilitating economic growth.
  7. Research and Publications: CITN conducts research and publishes materials on taxation, contributing to the body of knowledge in the field. These research activities provide valuable insights that can inform policy decisions, improve tax administration, and contribute to the overall economic development of the country.
  8. Promotion of Tax Awareness: The institute contributes to raising awareness about the importance of taxation in national development. By educating the public and businesses about their tax obligations and the benefits of a well-functioning tax system, CITN helps create a more tax-compliant society.
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In summary, the contributions of CITN to national development encompass the development of a skilled workforce, ethical tax practices, informed policy decisions, increased revenue generation, international alignment and public awareness—all of which are vital components of a robust and effective tax system that supports overall economic growth and development.


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