What is Idiomatic expression? Idiom or idiomatic expressions are words, phrases and sentences with special…
Pass WAEC, NECO And JAMB Exams Using Correct Words In Our Daily Written And Spoken English
This post takes a look at the common errors in our daily usage in English language and how they should be correctly used especially among WAEC, NECO and JAMB candidates in passing their examinations.
It went further to reveal that several people, irrespective of their academic status are guilty of this, with good and simple explanation.
Some of the common errors in our daily written and spoken English are:
- Wrong to say the police have arrested two notorious dupes. Rather say the police have arrested two notorious tricksters. For instance, dupe is someone who is tricked or cheated. A trickster is a person who tricks or cheats others.
- Wrong to say John works in a very pleasant surrounding. Correct to say John works in very pleasant surroundings. Note the plural noun of surroundings refers to everything that is around or near a person or thing. It is synonymous with environment.
- Wrong to say He is a gossiper. Rather say he is a gossip. A gossip is a casual or idle chat. There is nothing like gossiper. It is a conversation involving malicious chatter or rumours about other people. Someone who habitually talks about others, especially maliciously, is called gossip or gossip monger.
- Wrong to day Ade bought a rug carpet yesterday. Rather say Ade bought a rug yesterday. The word rug carpet is un-English which must be used either as rug or carpet.
- Wrong to say my brother printed his complimentary card. Rather say my brother printed his business card. Please note that a complimentary copy (or piece) of something is one given to someone free of charge, usually from a bulk produced or for sale. A business card or card is a small card bearing the name and usually the address of a person, especially for giving to social or business acquaintances.
- Wrong to say my father advised me to save for the raining day. Rather say my father advised me to save for the rainy day. A rainy day is a future time of need, especially financial.
- Wrong to say each and every one of you must buy this book. Rather say each of you must buy this book. It is wrong to use each and every together. But always remember to use either each or every separately.
- Wrong to say Statistics are difficult subject. Rather simply say statistics is a difficult. Likewise others like physics, mathematics, economics and others.
- Wrong to say he is the spokes man of the organization. Rather say he is the spokesman of the organization.
- Wrong to say chicken change. Correct to say chicken feed. Chicken change is un-English. Chicken feed is an informal expression, meaning an insignificant amount of money.
- Wrong to say he is a renowned sport man. Correct to say he is a renowned sportsman.
- Wrong to say the job is in coloured printing. Simply say the job is in colour printing.
- Wrong to say let us have fishes for launch. Rather say let us have fish for launch.
- Wrong to say please, buy fruits for me. Simply say buy fruit for me.
- Wrong to say she has made great progresses. Correct to say she has made great progress.
- Wrong to say ten sheeps are grazing in the field. Say ten sheep are grazing in the field.
- Wrong to say we had funs at the part. Correct to say we had a lot of fun at the party.
- Wrong to say James is the renowned master of ceremony we have been waiting for. Correct to say James is the renowned master of ceremonies we have been waiting for. Please, note that a person who presides over a public ceremony, formal dinner, introduces performers and son is known as master of ceremonies or MC.
- Wrong to say the Vice Chancellor delivered the Convocating speech at the University’s convocation. Rather say the Vice Chancellor delivered the valedictory speech at the University’s convocation.
- Wrong to say the school will hold a send-forth for Kojo. Say the school will hold a send-off for Kojo. Send-off or farewell party is a party when people meet to say goodbye to someone who is leaving.
In summary, we strongly hope that the above corrections have been noted for our daily written and spoken English Language not only among WAEC, NECO and JAMB candidates in passing their examinations but other higher institutions of learning and social gatherings.
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