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How To Answer WAEC/NECO Question On Causes Of Insecurity In Nigeria
In any country in the world, the government of such country owns it a duty to secure or preserve lives and properties.
However, the reserve is the case in Nigeria with cases of insecurity of lives and properties ravaging the entire country. Robbery, kidnapping, rape, senseless killings here and there have become the order of the day.
What then are the causes of this ugly trend? Why has it degenerated to this level of insecurity of lives and properties in our country today?
A number of causes can be traced to this ugly trend. They are:
- High Rate of Unemployment: is highly responsible for insecurity of lives and properties in Nigeria today. The trauma of not gainfully employed even though a number of the teaming youths are qualified, have made many to engage in violent crimes. For instance, kidnapping, robbery and other criminal acts have continued to be on the increase in recent time across the country.
- Another cause of insecurity in the country is as a result of corruption. This ugly phenomenon has made funds meant for the general good to be converted to personal use, leaving even development to suffer. Corruption has become so endemic in our system that almost every average Nigerian is guilty of this evil. No meaningful development can take place in any corrupt society since it destroys the fabric of our dear country.
- Proliferation of arms in Nigeria through our porous border is another cause of insecurity in the country. Our borders are so vulnerable to criminals from neighboring countries coming in with arms and ammunitions and the relevant agencies are not doing enough to curtail free entries. Since many of our youths have no jobs, they are left with no options than to result to crime.
- Another cause of insecurity in Nigeria is the poor economic system. This problem has driven many to take to the shortest possible way to life. For instance, the poor state of our economy has made many Nigerians to be fed up with the government of the day, taking to arms as a show of resentment.
- Another cause of insecurity in Nigeria is as result of injustice and fear of tribal domination. This has brought about senseless killings between one tribe and another. For instance, the Fulani Herdsmen and farmers crisis, the Gboko Haram in the North and Niger Delta Militants in the South South Nigeria.
- Lastly, insecurity has become the order of the day because of political crisis resulting from bad economic policies. This ultimately has led to economic, social, political and religious crisis forcing many innocent Nigerians to leave their places of abode.
What are the remedies? In other words, what must we do to check this ugly situation (insecurity) in our country Nigeria?
- The problem of high rate of unemployment in country should be vigorously addressed. The government should declare state of emergency in this area to tackle the problem of unemployment. This is by working on the power sector to attract foreign investors into the country that would help generate or create jobs for the teaming youths.
- Corruption which has become deeply rooted in our system should dealt with holistically. All corrupt government officials should be arrested, made to curf out the looted funds and even jailed as we have in other countries of the world like China etc.
- Our porous borders should be strengthened and the modern monitoring gadgets should be mounted at the borders to check influx of arms and ammunitions from neighbouring countries.
In addition, the relevant agencies like the Immigration, Customs and other security agents should be re-organised and empowered with modern technology to mind our borders.
- Economic policies that will open doors to foreign investors should be introduced in the country. For instance, granting of tax holidays and other incentives will attract foreign investors into Nigeria. This will mean citing industries in our country and creating jobs for our teaming youths.
- Again, the current power megawatts of electricity is grossly inadequate to enhance power generation for our industries. The government should with a matter of urgency put in more funds to boost the power sector as it stands out as the engine room of growth in any economy.
- Lastly, the tribal crisis resulting from neglect, injustices, inequality, tribal sentiments, nepotism and other related fear of tribal dominations should be urgently addressed. The government of the day should ensure that no section of the country feels more superior to the other.
In conclusion, if the above mentioned causes and measures are strictly followed, the high waves of insecurity in Nigeria would be drastically reduced to the barest minimum.
Pat Bado
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